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Come in and meet the Activator V

There’s a new kid in town. I’d like to introduce you to the new Activator V adjusting instrument. This new adjusting instrument has been designed and rigorously tested to provide a better, more consistent adjustment to the patient.

I’ve been attending Activator Seminars annually for over 25 years to maintain my Advanced Proficiency rating in the Activator Technique for Chiropractic diagnosis and treatment. Activator Methods is known the world over as a premiere technique for patient treatment. Activator spends a significant amount of time and expense in research and development. I can count on them to offer the newest and best there is to offer and the Activator V is the newest!

The Activator V is the first FDA registered and approved cordless chiropractic adjusting instrument. Instead of the “spring loaded” mechanism in the previous Activator devices I’ve been using over the years, the new Activator V uses a revolutionary electronic mechanism in order to produce the thrust. The force produced by the instrument has been specifically tuned to provide a deeper, more productive chiropractic adjustment, while still remaining very comfortable for the patient.

As the only Advanced Proficiency rated Activator Method chiropractor in the area, I can offer our patients the latest  innovations in care and treatment for your chiropractic needs. At each Activator Seminar I learn about new techniques for diagnosis and treatment of my patients for myriad conditions, as well as brush-up on my technique.  Activator Methods certifies and re-credentials its doctors regularly to ensure that the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique® is applied with the latest advances in technology, science and practical application.

Becoming an expert takes time, training and the right tools. I continually strive to master the Activator Method using the world’s #1 instrument adjusting technique.

The beauty of the Activator is its ‘low force’ adjustment. Our patients need not fear the cranking or twisting often associated with a chiropractic adjustment. Not only is the technique low-force, but the diagnostic protocol is refined and precise. Activator Methods is backed by over four decades of clinical research. Activator Methods has published clinical and scientific peer-reviewed papers beyond that of most chiropractic analytical treatment procedures. The Activator adjusting instrument is considered a mechanical force, manually-assisted adjusting instrument and is recognized and covered by Medicare.

So, call our office to make your appointment to meet the new kid in town – the Activator V. You can expect to receive the finest in chiropractic diagnosis and treatment, backed by my almost 30 years personal experience as a chiropractor and 45 years of research and development from Activator Methods.

Chiropractic for Seasonal Allergies


Yes, it’s that time of year when Seasonal Allergies begin to afflict many, especially in our pollen laden beautiful valley. All those blossoming trees mean an increase in pollen and allergens.


One of the most common reasons people seek chiropractic care is for treatment of ongoing back pain. However, chiropractic care will help boost your entire immune system through spinal manipulation, which may help improve health ailments such as those associated with allergies.


According to “The American Chiropractor,” chiropractic care is not a direct form of treatment for allergies. However, regular adjustments help boost your immune system. A better-functioning immune system decreases your chance of allergy-related illnesses such as sinus infections. Chiropractic care is also designed to allow your body to heal itself from diseases. Overall, chiropractic adjustments for allergies purportedly help reduce symptom flare-ups.


Dr. Stubblefield utilizes the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique in his practice, which is a gentle, low-force approach to chiropractic care. The technique has been used safely on patients of all ages since the late 1960s, bringing relief to people with a variety of health concerns.

Restoring spinal balance safely and successfully has been the driving force behind the Activator Method Chiropractic Technique.

The technique utilizes specific protocols to detect spinal joint dysfunction, analyze leg length inequality, identify issues with body mechanics, and test neurological reflexes. By analyzing results of these examinations, Dr. Stubblefield, who has been Advanced Proficiency rated with Activator for 25 years, can initiate the process of restoring spinal balance in the patient, gently and effectively.

After all, when the spine is aligned, the nervous system is able to function optimally.  This benefits every system of the body, every function, right down to the cellular level.  With continued care and subsequent follow-ups for maintenance, chiropractic patients notice pain relief as well as health benefits, and notably increased immunity to seasonal allergies, colds and flu.


Call our office today for a free consultation and begin the process of better health and well being through chiropractic care.

MR4 Super Pulsed Laser Technology

Stubblefield Family Chiropractic is pleased to announce the implementation of MR4 Super Pulsed Laser Technology.

MR4 is the world’s most advanced pain relief and wellness device available. It promotes accelerated pain relief, healing and wellness. The Multi Radiance Medical MR4 laser therapy device helps patients achieve outstanding results without drugs or invasive surgery.


The goal of laser therapy is to deliver light energy units, in the form of photons, to damaged cells. The consensus of experts is that photons, absorbed by cells through laser therapy stimulate the mitochondria to accelerate production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).  This biochemical increase in cell energy is used to help transform cells from a state of illness to a stable, healthy state.


Multi Radiance Medical devices treat a multitude of conditions effectively and have been in use for over 20 years. The MR4 low level laser delivers healing photons to specific areas and depths of the tissue, using the only FDA cleared modality that synergistically incorporates all of the: Super pulsed laser, Pulsed broadband infrared SLDs, Pulsed red light, Static magnetic field and Electrical stimulation.


The MR4 is embraced by professional and Olympic athletes worldwide to reduce inflammation before and after workouts and to aid in maintaining healthy joints and muscles.


Our trained technition gently glides the MR4 handheld device over the skin as the Laser Stim with Target (Treatment Area Recognition and Guidance Enhanced Technology) identifies optimal treatment areas. Then the device delivers superpulsed laser and muscle stimulation to the targeted area. Many patients report a feeling of wellness and healing immediately following treatment.

MR4 treats

  • Back Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Arthritis
  • Joint Pain
  • Tendonitis
  • Cervical Strain
  • Sprains
  • Contusions


*Please contact our office for a consultation and demonstration of MR4 Laser Technology.

Back Surgery: Too Many, Too Costly, Too Ineffective


Americans spend more on health care than any other nation, but are not at the top of the list for delivering great results. This has been proven by statistical data found by the World Health Organization. Americans are not getting much bang for their buck when it comes to health care costs compared to most other industrialized countries.

Back pain alone stands at number 8 out of 10 top diseases in America. The costs for back pain treatment has been estimated at about $40 billion annually, according to In 2008, over 3 million patients were admitted to Hospital Emergency Rooms due to back pain problems. This totaled a cost of $9.5 billion and was “the ninth most expensive condition treated in US hospitals.” Chiropractic has been proven most cost effective and clinically effective for the epidemic of Low Back Pain. Low Back Pain is the largest disability condition today.

According to an article in “Dynamic Chiropractic”, in 2006, 60 million surgeries were done. That is one surgery per every 5 Americans. No other country has near as many surgeries of its citizens. Over 100,000 people die each year from complications of surgery, which is far more than die in car crashes or with prescription drugs. Of these deaths, they count for 23% in deaths for men and 32% of deaths in women.

“Even having a lot of back pain does not by itself mean you need surgery. Surgery has been found to be helpful in only 1 in 100 cases of low back problems. In some people, surgery can even cause more problems. This is especially true if your only symptom is back pain.”  – Dynamic Chiropractic, March 26, 2011 issue.

Initiating Back Pain Care with MD results in Higher Costs


A study titled “Cost of Care for Common Back Pain Conditions Initiated With Chiropractic Doctor vs Medical Doctor / Doctor of Osteopathy as First Physician,” was published last month. This study showed evidence that if a patient seeks low back pain care from a chiropractor first, their paid costs were 40% lower, compared to an allopathic provider. What this means is that there is growing support that chiropractic treatment of low back pain is less expensive than traditional medical care. In this study the total episode cost for each episode of low back pain (visiting an MD vs Chiropractor) were compared using Blue Cross Shield of Teneessee. Costs per episode were $452.33 (paid) for patients intiating care with a chiropractor vs. $1,037.04 for patients initiating care with a medical provider first.

So many people seek a Medical Provider for their back pain instead of going to the chiropractor first. Usually when you do this first, many tests need to be run to find a source of the problem, surgery is sometimes done without necessity and this also results in more fees. The office visit alone is often more expensive. Insurance companies are more often than not, paying more to cover your MD care than your chiropractic care.

Head to the chiropractor first. He/she will do what they can to find the problem and fix it. If they are unable to fix it, then referrals may need to be made. Try to save your back and your pocketbook by heading there first!

*This information was obtained in the January 1st, 2011 issue of “Dynamic Chiropractic”  – Written by Peter W. Crownfield.

Whiplash and Chiropractic

“Whiplash is most commonly received from riding in a car that is struck from behind or that collides with another object. When the head is suddenly jerked back and forth beyond its normal limits, the muscles and ligaments supporting the head and spine can be stretched or torn. The soft, pulpy discs between spinal bones can bulge, tear, or rupture. Vertebrae can be forced out of their normal position, reducing range of motion.” has posted an article about this very thing.

Because Chiropractors are experts when it comes to bones, nerves, muscles and connective tissues, we are very qualified to deal with whiplash and it’s symptoms. Patients are often able to avoid addictive pain medications, surgery and constant headaches, by being treated by a qualified Chiropractor.

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy? Absolutely!

Many people don’t realize that Chiropractic care during pregnancy is completely safe, and highly recommended. In our office, we have a special table that drops away at the abdomen, creating room for a pregnant belly. This makes it safe and comfortable to lay on your stomach for treatment.  Many women experience back pain during pregnancy due to the “rapid growth of the baby and an interference to your body’s normal structural adaptations to that growth.” Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can help alleviate or take away some of these discomforts. Receiving Chiropractic care during pregnancy can also help create a safe environment for your unborn child.  “As your baby develops, your uterus enlarges to accommodate the rapid growth. So long as the pelvis is in a balanced state, the ligaments connected to the uterus maintain an equalized, supportive suspension for the uterus. If your pelvis is out of balance in any way, these ligaments become torqued and twisted. causing a condition known as constraint to your uterus.” You can read more about pregnancy and Chiropractic care from

Article written by, Jeanne Ohm, D.C.

Exercise and Chiropractic Care in Seniors

Studies are being conducted to see how exercise and chiropractic care can improve “overall health and spinal function in seniors.” An article in The Chiropractic Journal states, “According to the National Institutes of Health, moderate exercise and physical activity can improve the health of seniors who are frail, or who have diseases associated with aging. However, exercise alone won’t necessarily address the spinal problems seniors commonly experience. This is a concern as spinal problems can cause pain and subsequent decline in physical function in older adults.” The study will test “the combination of chiropractic management and exercise therapy. Participants must be 65 years of age and older with chronic spine problems.”

The full article can be found here.
